Schuylkill County Birdline

Thursday, July 21, 2005

July 21st, 2005

*Pennsylvania*Schuylkill County*July 21, 2005*Compiler: Dr. Aaron ClauserHighlights:Blue GrosbeakBarred Owl Family6/27/05-7/5/05:Sweet Arrow Lake:Woodthrush, Ovenbird, Scarlet Tanager, 2 Red Tailed Hawks, E. Wood Pee Wee, Phoebe, Great Crested Flycatcher, Possible Saw Whet Owl, E. Screech Owl with 2 fledged young, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Oriole, E. Kingbird, Indigo Bunting, Com. Yellowthroat, Hairy, Downy, Red-bellied, and Pileated Woodpeckers, Fish Crow with young, Brown Creeper, N. Parula 7/3/05:SGL-110, West of the Northkill Gap :Wild turkey (9)*, Yellow-billed Cuckoo (4), Downy Woodpecker (2), Hairy Woodpecker (1), Red-eyed Vireo (12), Blue Jay (3), American Crow (3), Chickadee species (1), Tufted Titmouse (1), Veery (1), Hermit Thrush (2), Wood Thrush (1), Gray Catbird (6), Cedar Waxwing (1), Chestnut-sided Warbler (7), Black-and-white Warbler (5), Ovenbird (18), Common Yellowthroat (27), Scarlet Tanager (4), Eastern Towhee (24), Chipping Sparrow (2), Field Sparrow (1), Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1), Indigo Bunting (3), Brown-headed Cowbird (2), American Goldfinch (1) Watched two turkeys together for a long time at a long distance...1/3 to 1/2mile and could see one young. As I got closer could see more young. The largest poult was the size of a quail, the others really small, surely out of eggs during June. 7/2/05:North Union Twp.GB Heron, RN Pheasant, Hairy WP, Belted KF - 2, Acadian FC, LEAST FC, EW Pewee, Eastern Kingbird, RT Hummingbird - 2, Cedar Waxing - 2, BH Vireo, BTG Warbler- 4, CS Warbler - 3, Hooded Warbler, Eastern Meadowlark - 2, Bobolink - 4 The Least FC was Che-bekking from an area I've driven past on every visit to the block, but never stopped before today. Hooded Warbler was at a first-time stop as well.Black Creek:Barred Owl, Blue-headed Vireos, a few Hermit Thrushes, 4 Black-throated Blue Warblers, A Redshoulder hawk, Canada Warbler, Acadian Flycatcher, Pine Warbler - singing at same spot, Broadwing, Pileated WP, Hairy WP, Hooded Warbler - loads of them, Chestnut-sided, Redtail a BH Vireo6/29/05:STILL CREEK RESERVOIR AREAYellow-billed Cuckoo, Swamp Sparrow - singing, now territorial, Brown Thrasher, Phoebe - nest with young, Pine Warbler - fledged young with some fuzz in shoulders, Redwing - fledged young, Common Loon - just hanging out on reservoirCOALDALECommon Nighthawk - calling in flight, at about 7:00pm6/27/05:East Union Twp.:EW Pewee - 2, YB Cuckoo, Prairie Warbler, Brown Thrasher - 2, RT Hummingbird - pair, Wild Turkey - 3, with young 6/26/05:Upper Mahantongo & Eldred Twp.:Eastern Bluebird, Eastern Meadowlark, RN Pheasant - 3, YB Cuckoo, GB Heron, RT Hummingbird, RT Hawk -2, Yellow Warbler - 2, Wild Turkey - 2, Belted KF, CS Warbler, Baltimore Oriole Hubley, Hegins & Barry Twp.:Eastern Kingbird, EW Pewee - 2, American Kestrel - 5, Yellow Warbler - 2, Eastern Meadowlark - 7, American Redstart - 3, GB Heron, Belted KF, Northern Harrier - 1, female6/25/05:Washington & Wayne Twp. Wild Turkey, RT Hawk, Green Heron, American Kestrel - 2, Chimney Swift - 3, GCFC - 2, Willow FC, Eastern Kingbird - 4, Eastern Bluebird, Yellow Warbler - 2, Baltimore Oriole - 2, Eastern Meadowlark - 46/24/05:North Union Twp.:Alder FC (Starting to become almost common!), Acadian FC , E. Meadowlark , Bobolink - 10 +, Pileated WP - pair, Hairy WP, BH Vireo - 2, Green Heron, RT Hummingbird - 3, American Redstart - 2, RB Grosbeak, E. Kingbird, BTG Warbler - 46/21/05:Black Creek:41 species, Hooded warblers, Black and white warblers, Scarlet Tanagers, YT Vireo, Pine warblers, Red shouldered Hawk, Pileated woodpeckers, and an agitated Hairy woodpecker, Yellow-billed Cuckoo pair, 4 Canada Warblers, and 3 Acadian Flycatchers, female Wood duck and 5 young at the 2nd reservoir out the Black Creek logging road.6/20/05: Still Creek: Swamp Sparrow, fledged Song SparrowSweet Arrow Lake: N. Parula, Black and White Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Com. Yellowthroat, Oriole, Fish Crow, Red Tailed Hawk, Downy, Hairy, Red Bellied, and Pileated Woodpeckers, Tree, Barn, and Rough Winged swallows, Carolina and House Wrens, Bluebirds, Brown Creeper, Red Eyed Vireo, Indigo Bunting, Ovenbird, Woodthrush, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Kingfisher, Phoebe, Great Crested Flycatcher, E. Kingbird, E. Wood Pee Wee, Cedar Waxwings, Hummingbird, Osprey 6/18/05:SGL-308BH Vireo - a few, Hermit Thrush - 4 or 5, BT Blue 2, Canada Warb - agitated pair, Redstart - carrying foodA couple Bobolinks were at a farm just north of the gamelands. Anda little north from the farm, there was an Alder Flycatcher singing. This is the same spot that had 2 Alders singing on May 28.Near Delano: few Purple Finches (with at least one male) 6/17/05:Reclaimed mine lands of the west side of Gordon Mountain Road, just north of the village of Heckshersville:male Blue Grosbeak Cass twp:Hairy WP, Wild Turkey, RT Hawk, BW Hawk - 3, Killdeer - 2, YB Cuckoo - 3, Common Raven - 4, Eastern Bluebird - Pair, Carolina Wren, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Kingbird - 2, GCFC - 2, EW Pewee, Brown Thrasher, Brown Creeper, Hermit Thrush - 4, BH Vireo, BTB Warbler, CS Warbler, YR Warbler - 6, Grasshopper Sparrow, RB Grosbeak - 2, DC Cormorants6/12/05:Owl Creek area, near Tamaqua:at least 3, but probably 4 Barred Owls together, Ovenbird nest with eggs, Yellow-rumped Warbler6/10/05:Butler Twp:Wild Turkey, Hairy WP, Pileated WP, BW Hawk, RT Hawk, GH Owl - 2, GB Heron - 2, EW PeWee - 5, BH Vireo - 3, Alder FC - 2, Acadian FC, Eastern Bluebird, Carolina Wren, Cedar Waxwing, Brown Thrasher - 2, RB Grosbeak - 5, BTG Warbler - 3, Louisiana WT - 3, Prairie Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, Yellow Warbler - 4, CS Warbler - 2Common Nighthawk - 2 over Trinity Lutheran Church, Pottsville - 1 over the Walmart parking lot above St. Clair 6/11/05:New Castle Twp.:BB Cuckoo, YB Cuckoo, BW Hawk - 3, Pileated WP, Hairy WP, BH Vireo, Common Raven, Wild Turkey, EW PeWee - 3, RB Grosbeak - 3, Baltimore Oriole - 3, BTB Warbler, CS Warbler, Prairie Warbler, WE Warbler - 26/7/05:Locust Lake area:Whip poor wills at 2 different places, black & white warbler, scarlet tanagers, hermit thrush, black throated green, phoebe, great crested flycatcher, yellow warbler, least flycatcher, ruby crowned kinglet, acadia flycatcher, pewee, black billed & yellow billed cuckoo 2 different places, chestnut sided warbler, bobolink, prairie warbler, parula, redstart, cedar waxwings6/6/05:Cass Twp.:Female Mallard w/ ducklings, DC Cormorant - 2, Grasshopper Sparrow, Hermit Thrush - 2, Spotted Sandpiper - 4, BH Vireo, EW Pewee, BW Hawk, YB Cuckoo, YR Warbler - 5 (2 counter-singing & 3 other territorial. All around the Minersville Reservoir)Sweet Arrow Lake: 12 - Double Crested Cormorant, E. Wood Pee Wee, Veery, Least Flycatcher, Bluebirds, Great Crested Flycatcher, Cedar Waxwings, Indigo Bunting, Ovenbird, Woodthrush, Yellow Warblers, N. Parula, Oriole, Com. Yellowthroat, E. Kingbird, Kingfisher, Tree, Rough winged and Barn Swallows, Killdeer, Wooducks, Red Bellied, Downy, Hairy and Pileated Woodpeckers, N. Flicker, E. Phoebe, Hummingbird 6/1/05:Appalachian Trail crosses 183:juvenile black-billed cuckoo 5/14/05:Schuylkill County Spring Migration Count Highlights:Common Loon - 6, PB Grebe - 2, DC Cormorant - 3, Snow Goose - 1, RN Duck - 1, Common Merganser - 11, Black Vulture - 6, Osprey - 4, Bald Eagle - 1, RS Hawk - 3, Virginia Rail - 1, Greater Yellowlegs - 1, Lesser Yellowlegs - 8, American Woodcock - 2, RB Gull - 3, RN Pheasant - 3, BB Cuckoo - 8, YB Cuckoo - 9, Barred Owl - 1, Whip-poor-will - 9, YB Sapsucker - 2, Acadian FC - 5, Willow FC - 1, Least FC - 19, YT Vireo - 7, Warbling Vireo - 1, BH Vireo - 17, Fish Crow - 3, Common Raven -2, Horned Lark - 6, Purple Martin - 100, Bank Swallow - 105, Cliff Swallow - 53, RB Nuthatch - 4, Brown Creeper - 6, Winter Wren - 1, Swainson's Thrush - 2, Hermit Thrush - 8, Brewster's Hybrid - 2, Golden-winged Warbler - 3, Tennessee - 8, CS Warbler - 77, Magnolia Warbler - 37, Bay-breasted Warbler - 8, Blackpoll Warbler - 7, Cerulean Warbler - 3,Northern WT - 2, Louisiana WT - 21, Kentucky Warbler - 1, Wilson's Warbler - 1, Canada Warbler - 10, Vesper Sparrow - 1, Savannah Sparrow - 1, Lincoln's Sparrow - 2, Rusty Blackbird - 1, Orchard Oriole - 2, Purple Finch - 9Contributors: Denise Donmoyer, Sandy, Dan and Devin Schwartz, Mike Ward, Barb Jucker, Dave Kruel, Nancy Trout, Kerry Grim


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